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Our add-ons to SAP solutions provide strong added values to your business and IT

Manage all your SAP Documents into any DMS and SharePoint on-premise and in the cloud with YAC

Make your SAP ERP and S/4HANA systems GDPR compliant with YDES

Best in class Data Archiving Solutions with our partner PBS

Mass printing.JPG


The YAC Work Pack Manager has been existing for some time now, and we would like to highlight one of its great features here, often a pain point for many SAP customers: The Mass Printing of SAP documents ! 

The Work Pack Manager allows  to manipulate, convert to PDF, Mass Print and put together SAP electronic documents coming from various sources: any URL to documents, SAP database or Content Server, OpenText, SharePoint, custom DMS, etc. all in a very simple and user-friendly User Interface. 

The selection of documents can be made in a "Cross Application" way by selecting business objects, or for specific business domains such as Maintenance, Purchasing, Sales, Finance, etc. In those cases the complete Documents Flow is retrieved on basis of the business objects relationships.

YAC - universal Attachments Connector

YAC is the first and only universal connector fully written in ABAP ensuring integration of all your SAP attachments with any Document Management System in the Cloud and On-Premise. 

YAC works for all SAP documents management scenarios, and with all SAP user interfaces (Fiori and others), and also provides advanced documents management features such as mass documents printing, conversion, merge and distribution. 

YAC also comes with a SharePoint 'flavor' for advanced two-ways synchronization with Microsoft SharePoint; here also Cloud (O365) and On-Premise are supported.

     >>> Click here to go to YAC for SharePoint Page <<<


YDES - Ensuring compliance with GDPR
Data Erasure - the "Right to be forgotten"

YDES is the 1st SAP add-on allowing you to flexibly configure your Data Erasure Rules and Strategies taking into account your Business Processes and their inter-dependencies. This is a lot more powerful than the classical ILM with its static rules on single objects.YDES enforces the defined Rules & Strategies by generating the necessary archiving and reorganization programs variants, executing the data archiving and reorganization processes and controlling the archiving and reorganization results. For SAP ERP and S/4HANA

Data Archiving with PBS

With the PBS archive add-ons, users get a seamless and fast access to all data. PBS also provides nearline storage solutions for SAP ERP, S/4HANA and  SAP BW  to process very large data volumes with state-of-the-art column-oriented database technology from IBM and SAP

Znk is official reseller of the PBS solutions for various European countries.

PBS solutions are certified SAP ERP and S/4HANA

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The revolutionary new way to share and access business knowledge

Theum enables your workforce with fast, intuitive, task-oriented access to document-based knowledge stored anywhere, including SharePoint Online, Teams, OneDrive—so they can skip the search and get right to work with greater speed, accuracy, and expertise.
Theum and Znk have joined forces to provide an advanced and innovative solution for intelligent knowledge access and sharing of SAP ERP and S/4HANA documents.
Thanks to YAC, the knowledge stored in any document set in SAP can now be delivered instantly via Theum as pure, mobile-friendly web content that's accessible in single-point-of-access knowledge bases enhanced with answer-oriented search.


Znk is the official reseller for Europe (excl. D-A-CH) of the PBS Solutions

Data Archiving, Data Management and Data Analysis

PBS provides SAP add-on solutions for the Information Lifecycle Management in the areas of data archiving, data extraction, data storage, and system decommissioning. Users get a seamless and fast access to all data. PBS provides nearline storage solutions for SAP ERP, S/4HANA and  SAP BW  to process very large data volumes with state-of-the-art column-oriented database technology from IBM and SAP.

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01.12.2023 - YAC for SaaS

Thanks to its Cloud Plugin, YAC is now able to synchronise data and attachments of any SaaS solution. This works with all solutions you can think about, such as Cloud for Customer, S/4Cloud, IFS Ultimo, etc. Attachments can be sent to SharePoint / Teams / OneDrive, Azure, and many commercial and custom content or document management solutions. The SaaS data extracted by YAC are used for generating folder structures and adding attributes / metadata to the documents.

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Znk Consulting S.à r.l.

28 Op der Haart

L-9999 Wemperhardt


Hotline for our customers

+352 26 90 83 75

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